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The Spaniards



 The Iberian peninsula’s fifteenth century history account for much discrimination, popularity of Christian morality plays, and the homogeneity of one ideal religion: Roman Catholicism. The popularity and development of religious drama originated in Italy during the eleventh century. However, by the time of Pope Innocent III it became forbidden. Word traveled slowly at that time, and morality plays continued to occur in other countries, including Spain, and remained popular.[1] Religious dramas had always been created and developed by priests. Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon were in control of the Iberian peninsula and decided to either remove or force any Jews or Muslims in the country to conversion. This was a predecessor as their empire stretched overseas in the colonies of the Spanish empire.




Saint Hippolytus between Spanish and Aztec Soldiers, Scala / Art Resource, NY, (1485-1541), Painting.


After Hernan Cortes was commissioned to go overseas to dominate the New World, he requested missionaries to accompany him. Ravicz explains that Pope Leo X in April of 1521 approved Cortes’ request and in the next couple years send twelve Franciscan missionaries to Mexico.[2] Even though Cortes conquered the New World for military power and economic gains, there was a genuine aim to bring the news of Jesus Christ and eradicate the pagan ways on his part as well. Burkhart explains in her research that, “Cortes also told them that one of the objects for which our great Emperor had sent us to their countries was to abolish human sacrifices.”[3]


​Newborn Library Page. Sixteenth Century.

Newberry Library archive. Pedro de Alvarado narration of Cortes invasion of Guatemala. Text and Image of what the Spaniards referred to 'false god' or 'devil' of the local peoples they invaded and conquered.

So the first missionaries to arrive in the New World began the daunting task of translating a foreign god to the Nahua people. The missionaries spent much time learning the language to help with converting the locals. They began with creating education centers to help teach the young Nahuas, instituted church services and the missionaries were faced with many obstacles and how to correctly identify Christian terms and translate them to Nahuatl ones. The best strategy they found was using the plays to help share their message of religion effectively with the Nahua people.





Miserere Mei Deus (Allegri) - King's College Choir, Cambridge

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